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About Me who is the admin behind this simple blog !!! This simple blog / web was formed because the previous blog appeared again and the new blog improved the articles that were made. This blog is a collection of my personal experiences in every event and this blog carries the latest information from all perspectives, from tutorials, tips, tricks to the latest and hottest news in cyberspace, let's keep up with this blog update every day to get sharp information and Trusted.

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", ]); var ars = rChoice([ "#YOUR_ARSAE_SERVER_OR_OTHER_DOMAIN_1", "#YOUR_ARSAE_SERVER_OR_OTHER_DOMAIN_2", ]); var dir_type = "refresh"; //refresh, domain, path, arsae if(dir_type == 'refresh') { //REFRESH console.log('refresh..'); } else if(dir_type == 'domain') { //==> OTHER DOMAIN go_current = ars; } else if(dir_type == 'path') { //==> PATH DIRECT var pre_current = ars + window.location.pathname; go_current = pre_current.includes("?")?pre_current+"&c=1":pre_current+"?c=1"; } else if(dir_type == 'arsae') { //==> ARSAE DIRECT go_current = ars + '/?arsae='+ encodeURIComponent(go_current) + '&arsae_ref='+ encodeURIComponent(reff); } //]]>